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On Writing

Well, I am currently working on King of the Castle. That's book 2 of the Barbarian series. It's finished but its not. Now comes the polishing and the editing. Editing is tricky business. For some unexplained reason you write sea instead of see at five in the morning and it goes unnoticed. Or someone that is killed is magically alive though he's not supposed to be. I've never actually done that one. But in I Was Murdered Last Night, I had Anita dead with knife in her chest, but the detective later finds it in a garbage can. Those officers were careless weren't they. Or the killer came back for the knife.

My cats always wake me at five in the morning and so I take them out, wash the dishes and then it's time to get some words out. I don't usually plan out a novel, I get a basic idea and run with it. Usually, the title comes first. Like with I Was Murdered Last Night; I thought that's a great title and just went with it.

I don't get writer's block, at least not yet. I'll write chapter one, and then of course, two and three. And if I need a little more time to think about where I'm going, I'll go back to Chapter One and polish or expand and so on. And so when I go back to chapter three I'm ready to keep going.

I usually work on two novels at the same time though my focus is primarily on one. I write five hundred words a day, used to be a thousand, a week later and I have 3500 hundred words down. On the other novel I get to about ten thousand words before I make it the main focus, and by then the other is finished and into polishing and editing.

Sometimes I will write a future chapter; I won't give it a number and just let it hang there until I decide where it goes. I find it's a good way to keep things fresh.

In Forbidden City we are introduced to Braeden and his wonderful horse Finn. The horse is enchanted and pretty darn smart. Zack doesn't like him for several reasons, one being that he lives inside the castle. Finn pretty much does what he wants.

Lots of adventure, humor and romance. And lets not forget the weird monsters and dragons. Most of the women in this series are though, you wouldn't want to fight them. I just thought that there weren't many barbarian books so I decided to write one, and now the barbarian is a series with King of the Castle being book two.

My most popular series is "of Knights and Dragons" and the first in the series is Knights of the Dragon. On one free Amazon giveaway people took 3207 books, now if people would only buy that many in a single day I would be happy.

If one wants to be an author then you must write, every single day. The end of your first novel is only the beginning. So get writing.

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A.  J.  G a l l a n t

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